Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Getaway = GET AWAY!

John and I are I am preparing to go out of town.  He asked me a few weeks ago where I'd like to go for our anniversary trip.  He suggested Hilton Head.  Not no, but hell no.  I suggested somewhere mountainous.  Higher elevation=less heat, FTW.  My life has been a blur for the last three days in simply getting ready to get ready to go out of town. Ohmygoodness.  Here's my to-do list for the last three days (no shit):

  • Monday:  shopping.  Four different stores.  94 degrees was the high Monday.  With a baby.  Need I say more?  Making arrangements for the teenager in our absence*.  Various other random to-do's:  call to the insurance agent, making appointments, schedule Sandy for grooming and boarding.  Ironing.  Laundry.  The usual. 
  • Tuesday:  aaaaahhh, the day of appointments, with my poor Skinky in tow (he was a trooper though).  Morgan had her first GYN visit at 8:30, followed by a root canal at the endodontist at 10:00 (True story.  Welcome to womanhood, sweetheart!).  I also had the task of nursing Beba back to health and checking on her at least every 20 minutes 'cause they gave her Vikes for pain.  Side note:  did you know that North Carolina ranks in the top 10 for highest incidence of two of the most common STD's in the U.S.? If that don't make ya proud . . . it's amazing what a girl can learn from her gyno. Maybe we should invest in billboards advertising this information at the state lines to welcome visitors . . . . . .
  • Wednesday:  more shopping.  Blech.  Laundry, 'cause at my house it's a DAILY occurrence.  Get the mama-mobile inspected and tags renewed ('cause my husband is a champ at waitin' 'til the LAST EFFIN' MINUTE!), blow up the baby float (which required a trip to the gas station, long story), more ironing, resolving more Beba issues, packing . . . .
Oh my, the packing.  Gone are the days when we could just throw some shit in the car and take off.  Now we have to take everything but the kitchen sink to leave overnight.  We're gonna be gone for three entire sleeps.  Holyshit.  It's notosmuch the quantity of stuff, it's the little things:  the owl teething blanket (that Riley loves), dish washing soap, hand soap (yes, I travel with hand soap.  Don't judge me.), the Pack 'N Play, toys (including bubbles for the car ride), blankets, and the pallet of baby food.  (He started solids last week and the kid is a Hoover.  Four ounces of baby food at every feeding.  Piglet.).  And I haven't even begun packing personal items.  Like, I dunno, clothes and shampoo and stuff. 

At this point, John has invested a phone call and some clicking to this trip.  He's just getting home and he left at 8:00 this morning.  THIS would be why it's easier to just stay home . . . . 

I was able to squeeze in a little fun.  I sent my sustas a text they're going to spend the next month wishing they'd never read ('cause I'm a good sister like that) and played Tetris on Facebook like I was gonna claim a million dollar prize.  But all in all, I need a vacation from my vacation and we haven't even left the driveway . . . . I am certainly lookin' forward to makin' this trip worth my effort. ;) 

*To my Winston peeps:  if you wanna ride by the house, just to see what's goin' on, it wouldn't hurt my feelings in the slightest . . . . just sayin'.

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