- Monday: shopping. Four different stores. 94 degrees was the high Monday. With a baby. Need I say more? Making arrangements for the teenager in our absence*. Various other random to-do's: call to the insurance agent, making appointments, schedule Sandy for grooming and boarding. Ironing. Laundry. The usual.
- Tuesday: aaaaahhh, the day of appointments, with my poor Skinky in tow (he was a trooper though). Morgan had her first GYN visit at 8:30, followed by a root canal at the endodontist at 10:00 (True story. Welcome to womanhood, sweetheart!). I also had the task of nursing Beba back to health and checking on her at least every 20 minutes 'cause they gave her Vikes for pain. Side note: did you know that North Carolina ranks in the top 10 for highest incidence of two of the most common STD's in the U.S.? If that don't make ya proud . . . it's amazing what a girl can learn from her gyno. Maybe we should invest in billboards advertising this information at the state lines to welcome visitors . . . . . .
- Wednesday: more shopping. Blech. Laundry, 'cause at my house it's a DAILY occurrence. Get the mama-mobile inspected and tags renewed ('cause my husband is a champ at waitin' 'til the LAST EFFIN' MINUTE!), blow up the baby float (which required a trip to the gas station, long story), more ironing, resolving more Beba issues, packing . . . .
At this point, John has invested a phone call and some clicking to this trip. He's just getting home and he left at 8:00 this morning. THIS would be why it's easier to just stay home . . . .
I was able to squeeze in a little fun. I sent my sustas a text they're going to spend the next month wishing they'd never read ('cause I'm a good sister like that) and played Tetris on Facebook like I was gonna claim a million dollar prize. But all in all, I need a vacation from my vacation and we haven't even left the driveway . . . . I am certainly lookin' forward to makin' this trip worth my effort. ;)
*To my Winston peeps: if you wanna ride by the house, just to see what's goin' on, it wouldn't hurt my feelings in the slightest . . . . just sayin'.
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