Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Proud Mama

Forgive me for using this outlet to do one of my favorite things:  brag on my churen.  Nothing too long or all that obnoxious, I hope.

First off, Chucker will be starting on his varsity soccer team as a sophomore.  We are really excited about this.  Last year while watching one of his games, I quickly learned the boy has talent.  And a following.  Of course, his family members who attended the game were cheering him on . . . . and so were a swarm of teenage girls.  "Good play, Chuckie!".  If I heard that once, I heard it at least twenty-five times.  Chuckie?  Who the hell is "Chuckie"?  After the game we were headed to the car and several girls we passed said, "Great game, Chuckie!". 

"Who's that?", I asked.

"I don't know her."  (Uh-huh.  The boy's a rock star, apparently.) 

"What's up with all these girls calling you 'Chuckie'?" 

"I don't know, they just do". 

I don't imagine he cares what they call him, as long as they call him.  I found myself in the awkward position of wanting to harm some teenagers and not embarrass my son.  I'll see if I can't do a little better this year. 
That's Chucker in the red . . .

On to Riley . . . . I decided to teach him sign language.  We started at two months.  I learned all the signs relevant to our daily routine and started incorporating them.  Every.  Day.  I felt like an idiot most of the time, as he would watch my hands and get this really confused look on his face.  We've been at it for months, with no sign of him being all that interested.  He started recognizing a few of the signs a couple of weeks ago, but wouldn't even attempt to sign them himself.  Monday, whilst eating his carrots for lunch, he started signing "milk", unprompted.  I don't dare say m-i-l-k without being ready to deliver, 'cause he gets REALLY mad.  Piglet.  Apparently, carrots were not what he wanted for lunch, and he was telling me as much.  Over and over and over again.  I was fortunate enough to capture this picture . . . .

That chubby little right hand is signing "milk"!

In other news, Beba tooootally perfected her round-off back handspring.  In the world of high school cheerleading, this is huge.   

That is all.  Now that was pretty painless, admit it!  

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