Friday, July 22, 2011

Long Day

Riley and I have had a rough couple days.  To spare you all of the boring Mommy details, he's teething and won't let me out of his sight.  This whole week has been harrowing at best.  He's such a sweetheart normally.  I can't seem to do anything to soothe or console him so I feel grossly inadequate.

My sack of sugar . . . although he weighs twice as much as a sack of sugar. 

I had to take a "time out" today.  My dear husband walked in from work, took one look at me and said, "There's a Starbucks gift card on my keychain.  Get it and get out".  I cried and prayed on the way to get my coffee and came home a little while later to a bathed but still-cranky baby. 

As my mother would say, "My nerves are SHOT!".  True dat.

When my nerves are to' up I work my anxieties out in one of two ways:  bake or clean.  We have a forty year old air conditioner and it's 100 degrees outside.  Seeing as how I was already sweating like a whore in church, cleaning was out.  Besides, I had to be in the kitchen anyway.  I had to make my mother a pie for a dinner party she's having tomorrow night.  Baking it shall be.  I was thumbing through some of my recipes and stumbled upon this gem . . . . . .
Banana Cake with Banana Frosting

It looks pretty gross, but it is oh-so-yummy.  There's nothing I love more than diving in to a new recipe for some much-needed diversion.  Thank goodness both of tonight's recipes called for something to be "mashed".  Boy, did they get mashed.

I hope tomorrow is better for both of us . . . . . my nerves nor my waistline can take much more of this.

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